As a youngster I wrestled
With the infinite
Or rather
With the idea of the infinite

I thought about the expanding universe
Bounded (as I imagined)
By a wall

What was on the other side of that wall?

If Nothing,
Is not empty space itself
Still Something?

I thought about the infinite age of God,
Older than I
Older than human history
Older than dinosaurs
Older than rocks
Older than the Big Bang
Older than everything that is or ever was.

What was on the other side of the Beginning?
What will be on the other side of the End?

If No time,
Are not empty ages themselves
Still Sometime?

I thought about the endlessness of numbers
How for every number
No matter how great
There exists a greater number
How for every number
No matter how small
There exists a smaller number

How came we to imagine what
Never was
Nor is
Nor can be?

Our world, though very grand,
Is finite
How odd that we
Surrounded by finitude
Should contemplate infinity...