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Voted With Bush


I’m confused. I’ve seen several campaign ads in recent weeks attacking Republican candidates for “voting with Bush.” One ad announces ominously that McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time. I’m not sure what this means. The last time I checked, the President was not allowed to vote in Congress. Does it mean that McCain voted for legislation that the President signed into law 90% of the time? Yet the President has signed into law almost every bill presented to him. In fact, President Bush has exercised his veto power only 12 times during his presidency, all since July 2006. You have to go all the way back to Warren Harding to find a President who vetoed fewer bills. Before I get bent out of shape about anyone “voting with Bush” 90% of the time, I’d like to see a list of legislators who opposed legislation the President signed into law more than 10% of the time.


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