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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Author: Chip Burkitt

  • Fibonachos

    Bill Amend’s popular strip Foxtrot nearly always makes me smile, but last Sunday’s strip made me laugh all day. The wildly (and undeservedly) popular bestseller The Da Vinci Code introduced Fibonacci numbers to the general public. The series consists of whole numbers such that each number is the sum of the previous two. The series…

  • You’re Not Special

    A recent post on snopes.com caught my eye. It relays an urban legend about two young women pursued by menacing men who take refuge in their car only to find that their car won’t start. After they pray, the car miraculously starts and the two escape. Next day one of the dad’s takes a look…

  • Mind Before Matter

    There are only two possibilities. Either mind arose from matter, or matter arose from mind. Either we, with our minds having such apparently limitless potential, arose from billions of years of chance meetings between various bits of matter, or everything that is was purposely created by a mind vaster than we can imagine. Which is…