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Tag: fun

  • Going Green

    Read and post comments on my blog. My daughter, Libby, just bought a new car, a green Honda Civic. She uses it to drive back and forth to work. She works at a daycare in our church, so she makes the same trip at least six times a week, sometimes more often. One of the…

  • Fibonachos

    Bill Amend’s popular strip Foxtrot nearly always makes me smile, but last Sunday’s strip made me laugh all day. The wildly (and undeservedly) popular bestseller The Da Vinci Code introduced Fibonacci numbers to the general public. The series consists of whole numbers such that each number is the sum of the previous two. The series…

  • Father of Waters

    As I was driving Belinda and Nelly to church this Mother’s Day, we crossed the Mississippi River, and Belinda remarked that the water was high. Nelly wanted to know how the river could flood when there was nothing to keep the water from flowing downriver. “Where does the water come from?” I asked. “God?” she…