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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Author: Chip Burkitt

  • I’m a Mazda Miata!

    You like to soak up the sun, but your tastes are down to earth. Everyone thinks you’re cute. Life is a winding road, and you like to take the curves in stride. Let other people compete in the rat race – you’re just here to enjoy the ride. Take the Which Sports Car Are You?…

  • The Moth

    SpringWidgetsRSS ReaderThis widget is the staple of our platform. Read all your feeds right here with this one widget – Supported feeds are OPML, RSS, RDF, ATOM. Watch your favorite Podcast in the embedded Video Player on the Desktop or publish your own video playlist to your site for others to view! Get this widget!…

  • The Road

    What lingers with me after reading Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, is not the tenderness of love between father and son, nor the enduring hopefulness of the boy. No, it is the haunting descriptions of people kept like cattle to be eaten by other people. The faceless, nameless people cowed into a cellar kept drifting through…