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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Tag: religion

  • Big Ten for Today

    Here’s what much of our culture now accepts as gospel: All religions are alike. Truth is personal: what is true for you may not be true for me. Faith is about the sincerity and authenticity of your beliefs. Whatever fulfills you is good for you. Love is mostly sex, and respect is mostly letting people…

  • Eerie Happenings

    I originally wrote this post about a year and a half ago while I was on the road. I had been staying at a hotel and had just finished watching The Mothman Prophecies, which was certainly an eerie movie. It got me thinking about eeriness in general and about my own experiences with the eerie.…

  • Young Earth?

    It was a surprise to me to learn recently that there are still many learned Christians who hold to the view that the earth is only about 6,000 years old. I’ve never considered the idea of an ancient earth as theologically relevant, but there are apparently many for whom the Genesis creation account is to…

  • Christmas Lessons

    My third-grade daughter came home with a Christmas word-find. Here are the words, associated with Christmas, which she was supposed to find: GINGERBREAD CANDLES HELPERS GLOVES CINNAMON FRIENDS HATS GIVING I don’t know about you, but HATS and GLOVES always make me think of Christmas. What about JESUS, MANGER, STAR, SHEPHERDS, ANGELS, JOSEPH, MARY, and…
