Rest Requires Faith (or Exhaustion)
The first creation myth in Genesis ends strangely with God’s rest. Of course, in the stories that follow, the Sabbath and observance of the Sabbath often play major roles, and it’s unsurprising that the authors and preservers of Genesis would want to introduce the origins of the Sabbath at the outset. Yet it is odd…
The God Who Rewards The Seeker
In Hebrews chapter 11, the author catalogs people from Jewish history as examples of those who had faith. He includes Enoch, but the brief mention he gets in Genesis says nothing about his faith, so the author includes an aside to justify his inclusion. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone…
The Substance of Things Hoped For
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 KJV The Greek word here translated “substance” is “hupostasis.” It means foundation, substructure, support. In classical Greek, philosophers used it to mean essence or substance of a thing as distinguished from its attributes. Faith is the ground for…
Right or Righteous
The longer I live the more I’ve come to realize that being right is not the same as being righteous. Being right is about believing what is true, having opinions that correspond to reality. Being righteous, however, is about integrity, being the kind of person who can be counted on to act according conscience rather…