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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Tag: faith

  • Right or Righteous

    The longer I live the more I’ve come to realize that being right is not the same as being righteous. Being right is about believing what is true, having opinions that correspond to reality. Being righteous, however, is about integrity, being the kind of person who can be counted on to act according conscience rather…

  • Little Faith

    We were all tired. He told us to cross the lake. He would catch up with us later. The wind was against us, so we took it in turns rowing. It was getting on toward dawn when one of the guys saw what looked like a man crossing the lake—without a boat. We were all…

  • Pegged

    I think every human being experiences some tension between wanting to belong and wanting to be seen as a unique individual. In recent years that tension has become increasingly politicized. I grew up in a family devoted to Christ. Some of my earliest memories are of church, and they were overwhelmingly positive. I enjoyed the…