While It Was Dark
She got up two hours before sunrise. She couldn’t sleep, and lying wide-eyed in the dark was not doing any good. She had to be up and getting ready. She dressed quickly and took up the basket she had prepared the night before. She checked it again to make sure everything was there. She didn’t…
The Dead Man Came Out
Allowing or Causing Near the end of Batman Begins, Batman (Christian Bale) confronts Ra’s al Ghul (Liam Neeson) in a speeding train. After a fierce fight, it becomes plain that Batman has won, and Ra’s al Ghul expects to be killed. “Have you finally learned to do what is necessary?” he asks Batman. “I won’t…
A Lack of Grief
My mom died on April 2nd of last year. Before she died, I used to wonder how I would react to news of her death. I never thought I would have the deep and terrible sadness that I’ve seen in some people. I’m just not like that. But I did imagine missing her and grieving…
Read and comment on my blog. My nephew, David, posted the following on his Facebook wall about a year after losing his younger brother in a car accident. It interesting how much one’s views can be altered by experiences. Before my little brother’s death I was an organ donor. It’s seemed like a simple decision…
All Things
Read and comment on my blog. He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? All things. I used to think this meant that God would give me things I want. He already gave me Jesus. He…