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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Month: January 2008

  • Eerie Happenings

    I originally wrote this post about a year and a half ago while I was on the road. I had been staying at a hotel and had just finished watching The Mothman Prophecies, which was certainly an eerie movie. It got me thinking about eeriness in general and about my own experiences with the eerie.…

  • Doggone Blog

    I accidentally deleted my blog. Horrors! I started to re-create it, but then I thought, “What’s the point?” Let’s just move on. Here’s what happened. May it serve as a cautionary tale to others. I created a new blog yesterday thinking I might use it to write from a somewhat different perspective. Then I changed…

  • Jesus Weeps

    Jesus wept at the grave of his friend, Lazarus. Those who were present thought he wept for Lazarus’ death. But how could that be so since he knew he was about to restore Lazarus to life? What was it that made Jesus weep? I’m not sure what it was, though I have some ideas. Actor…