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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Tag: spiritual life

  • Putting Things Right

    The central assumption of Christianity is that something is wrong with the world, and it needs to be put right. For Christians, the “something wrong” is human sin, a violation of the right order God created at the beginning. Putting things right we call “reconciliation,” and according to Paul it is a ministry belonging to…

  • Why God Gives Us Power

    The first chapter of Colossians includes Paul’s prayer for his readers. In it he prays that God will grant them wisdom and knowledge and enable them to bear good fruit and do good works. Then he adds, “being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that….” I stopped there. What was it…

  • Watch Out

    Luke 12 starts with Jesus addressing his disciples while a crowd listens in. He warns them to avoid hypocrisy, to fear God rather than men however powerful, and to guard against the temptation to deny him when they get into trouble with the authorities. He tells them a parable about a rich fool who thinks…

  • Armchair Christian

    I’m an armchair Christian. I don’t mean that my beliefs are not sincere or that my faith has not faced trial, but compared to the first disciples, I have done little to advance the good news about Jesus. Like the teacher of the Law in Matthew 8 who volunteers to follow Jesus without being called,…

  • God Is Not In Control

    Well, of course, God is in control. He’s the supreme being, the maker and ruler of the cosmos. How could he not be in control of what he has made? It depends somewhat on what you mean by “control.” Does God determine everything that happens? Is he responsible for earthquakes and tsunamis, witch hunts and…
