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Tag: humorous

  • Green Hair

    My daughter has green hair. It is not the pale, pastel green you sometimes see on unicorns or fairy princesses. It is the deep, rich, vibrant green of tree leaves in high summer when the chlorophyll is at its peak. It is a very green green with the merest hint of blue in it. It…

  • Bend at the Knees

    Originally written in 2008, this piece by Belinda Burkitt still resonates in a time of pandemics and renewed protests over racial violence. Chip Burkitt, editor. “Bend at the knees!” Something I can remember calling out to my young children as we ventured across an icy patch on a winter walk in Minnesota. My husband and…

  • Self-Checkout

    “Does your cat like that?” The question barely penetrated my consciousness because I was busy looking up PEPPERS–JALAPEÑO. So she repeated it. “Sir, does your cat like that?” She was pointing at the bag of dry cat food sitting on the out tray. “Yeah,” I said wondering where this was going. A few moments earlier…