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Tag: book review

  • War – Book Review

    Read and comment on my blog. My son was newly home from Afghanistan when he recommended this book. He hadn’t even read it himself, but it was given to him by a fellow soldier who is also a friend. The book is War by Sebastian Junger. The author, a journalist by profession, follows a single…

  • Common Sense Economics

    Read and comment on my blog. This book is so good that I don’t know if I can adequately convey how good it is. Most people, including me, think of economics—the dismal science—as arcane, abstruse, dry, and dull. This book proves us wrong. It will make economics come alive for you. You will find not…

  • The Discipline of Grace

    Read and comment on my blog. The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges is one of the best books I have ever read on how to live life as a believer. One of the persistent difficulties in the church is the idea that God’s approval must somehow be earned, that when a believer sins, God…

  • Primal—Book Review

    Read and comment on my blog. Mark Batterson wants to change the world. He wants to see a new Reformation, one that will get Christians back to the basics of their faith and make them a powerful force once again. Using the framework of the Greatest Commandment, Batterson calls for renewal in four areas: compassion…

  • New Problem of Pain

    Read and comment on my blog. Mark Tabb offers a very accessible explanation for why God allows pain and suffering in the world. Using the book of Job as well as anecdotes from his own experience as a pastor and chaplain, Tabb takes on the problem of pain and provides a defense that is compassionate,…
