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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Tag: death

  • A Lack of Grief

    My mom died on April 2nd of last year. Before she died, I used to wonder how I would react to news of her death. I never thought I would have the deep and terrible sadness that I’ve seen in some people. I’m just not like that. But I did imagine missing her and grieving…

  • What if dying

    I removed this post and relocated it to a new poetry section on my main website. I found the blog format too constricting for poetry. You can find the poem here.

  • Indecision

    Read and comment on my blog. My nephew, David, posted the following on his Facebook wall about a year after losing his younger brother in a car accident. It interesting how much one’s views can be altered by experiences. Before my little brother’s death I was an organ donor. It’s seemed like a simple decision…