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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Tag: Christians

  • The Ministry of Entertainment

    Northwestern University here in the Twin Cities operates a Christian radio station, KTIS, which, like all stations nowadays, promotes itself endlessly and shamelessly. I listen occasionally, partly because I am a Christian and these are my people, and partly because I get tired of the unrelentingly secular nature of secular radio stations, where prayer and…

  • Why Not Rather Be Wronged?

    This is something that is really hard for me to write about because it cuts so close to my own natural proclivities. My wife and my children know that I speak the truth when I confess that I am defensive. I easily bristle at slights, often even when they are meant as jokes or completely…

  • Violence and Meekness

    “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” –Matthew 5:5 Who can believe this? How can the meek get anything? You have to be aggressive. You have to be bold and assertive. You can’t wait for anybody to give you anything. What was Jesus thinking, telling people that being gentle and mild, being…