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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Tag: faith

  • You’re Still Not Special

    If you remember middle school and even high school at all, you remember wanting to fit in. Being different from about 6th grade to 10th is a terrible curse fraught with repeated attempts to be yourself—whoever that is—while being like everyone else. Most kids don’t want to be special. Yet our culture constantly tells them…

  • How Harry Potter Teaches Trust in God

    My daughter posted the following to her Facebook account in 2008. I asked her for permission to repost it on my website because I liked it so much. With her approval I made some minor editorial changes. I also moved it from my website to my blog. Many of you may know that I enjoy…

  • God’s Faith

    This post originally appeared on my website www.orderingchaos.com, but it really belongs here. So I moved it. Christians think a lot about faith and admire those who exhibit great faith. Yet we also often follow the rest of our culture in reducing faith to believing a set of unprovable propositions about the nature of reality.…