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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Tag: religion

  • Thoughts on Science and Religion

    Read and comment on my blog. I’ve always had an interest in science. Even as a very young child, I can remember puzzling over day and night. How does the sun get back to the east to rise? What are the stars? I remember imagining that the night sky was really a huge inverted colander.…

  • Witness Protection Program

    Read an comment on my blog. I don’t think of myself as a strong witness for Christ. When I’m among people who are likely unbelievers, I tend to play it safe when the topic turns to religion. There are a number of reasons for this. Partly, it’s just habit. I’ve grown used to avoiding religion…

  • More on Cordoba House and Religious Freedom

    Read and comment on my blog. Here is Newt Gingrich’s take on the Cordoba House, and here is a medieval historian’s response. The idea of reciprocity sounds great. Muslims can worship freely in America if and only if Christians can worship freely in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia. However, reciprocity is fundamentally unAmerican. It…