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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Author: Chip Burkitt

  • Liar’s Paradox

    I added a page to my web site about the Liar’s Paradox. I felt it belonged on my web site rather than my blog because it deals with logic and matters of interest to recreational mathematicians. Besides hosting my blog, my web site has a few articles about mathematical curiosities and a couple of puzzles.…

  • Yummy Numbness

    I’m not sure exactly when it happened or how. Somehow the Minnesota reserve, that diffidence born of snow and ice and too many layers of winter clothing has seeped into my body and made me more frozen, less capable of giving and receiving warmth. Maybe it was the accident. Maybe it was getting laid off.…

  • Laid Off

    Last Monday I was laid off from my job. I had worked at the same company for three years—not long, but long enough to feel comfortable, long enough to be part of the family. So being laid off came as something of a shock. At first, I told people I was fired, but then I…