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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Author: Chip Burkitt

  • Armchair Christian

    I’m an armchair Christian. I don’t mean that my beliefs are not sincere or that my faith has not faced trial, but compared to the first disciples, I have done little to advance the good news about Jesus. Like the teacher of the Law in Matthew 8 who volunteers to follow Jesus without being called,…

  • How to Treat Others

    We use “judge” in two different ways. On the one hand, we use it to mean “condemn” or “criticize.” For example, when one of your friends says they don’t want your judgment, this is the meaning they have in mind. On the other hand, we use it to mean “evaluate” or “interpret.” If someone tells…

  • Pretenders

    Every society has them, people who learned early that your image is more important than your real character. They care about what people think, and not just any people, but people they don’t even like, people they despise, people to whom they believe themselves superior. So they play a part, pretending to be a good…