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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Author: Chip Burkitt

  • Evolution as Metaphor II

    Evolution is absurd. Even as a biological process with the weight of scientific authority behind it, it is still absurd. It may be that we live in an absurd world where our actions have no significance beyond what we give them ourselves. I confess I do not like the idea of such a world, but…

  • Evolution as Metaphor

    Biological evolution is controversial, but it at least has the imprimatur of science. The same cannot be said for all the ways in which evolution has infected our thinking about everything from sociology to economics. For example, it has become common to refer to almost any kind of progress as evolution. We might talk about…

  • Persuasion and Conviction

    There are two ways of being convinced. You can be convinced by argument or by experience. Of the two, experience is the more powerful. Someone once said, “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still,” and I think that applies more to persuasion by argument than by experience. The fact is,…