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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Author: Chip Burkitt

  • Bitter Pills

    Last Thursday our youngest daughter had a serious asthma attack brought on by a bad cold. She woke us up at about 4:00 am barely able to breathe. After a call to our clinic, we took her to the hospital emergency room. They ended up admitting her, and she spent a day and night in…

  • Christmas Lessons

    My third-grade daughter came home with a Christmas word-find. Here are the words, associated with Christmas, which she was supposed to find: GINGERBREAD CANDLES HELPERS GLOVES CINNAMON FRIENDS HATS GIVING I don’t know about you, but HATS and GLOVES always make me think of Christmas. What about JESUS, MANGER, STAR, SHEPHERDS, ANGELS, JOSEPH, MARY, and…