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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Tag: about me

  • Losing Myself

    Youths spend a lot of time finding themselves, but as I have aged I feel that I spend a good deal of time losing myself. I come to a realization about myself or the world I live in, and it causes me to re-evaluate my past. The trouble is, I don’t remember all my past.…

  • Why Not Rather Be Wronged?

    This is something that is really hard for me to write about because it cuts so close to my own natural proclivities. My wife and my children know that I speak the truth when I confess that I am defensive. I easily bristle at slights, often even when they are meant as jokes or completely…

  • Self-Checkout

    “Does your cat like that?” The question barely penetrated my consciousness because I was busy looking up PEPPERS–JALAPEÑO. So she repeated it. “Sir, does your cat like that?” She was pointing at the bag of dry cat food sitting on the out tray. “Yeah,” I said wondering where this was going. A few moments earlier…