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Change, Ho!


The status quo has got to go.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the voters are in the enviable position of having, not one, but two—yes, two!—candidates promising change in Washington. Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain are both promising to put an end to politics as usual in Washington. The great news, then, is that no matter who you vote for, you’ll get an insurgent president, ready to tackle the inside-the-beltway mindset of career politicians and special-interest lobbyists. Oh, boy! I can hardly wait to see how this turns out.

For all you voters out there who have been fed up with the curtailment of civil liberties for Americans, the posturing and posing of an inept Congress and a disingenuous President, and the crass exploitation of enduring values for political gain, change is in the wind! Once those crafty careerists understand the way the new wind is blowing, they will have no choice but to surrender their self-seeking impulses and side with the new administration’s efforts to re-shape Washington into a place that actually governs with the good of the country at heart. We’ll finally get some relief from all the problems bedeviling us.

Since there’s essentially no difference now between Obama and McCain, I suggest we just refer to them henceforth as McCama. Yes, folks, strap on your safety belts because it’s going to be a wild ride with President McCama in office. At least till about 2010 when the dreadful inertia of the sameness and bureaucracy of Washington really digs in its heels and refuses to budge. But, hey, it’ll be fun while it lasts.


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