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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Tag: aphorisms

  • Jesus is the Question

    Jesus is the Answer. Popular Christian saying This saying has always troubled me. It’s not that I doubt its truth; I do believe that Jesus is the answer to all our most intractable problems, because our worst problems are caused by human selfishness. It is rather the finality of the sentiment that I find troubling,…

  • Bend at the Knees

    Originally written in 2008, this piece by Belinda Burkitt still resonates in a time of pandemics and renewed protests over racial violence. Chip Burkitt, editor. “Bend at the knees!” Something I can remember calling out to my young children as we ventured across an icy patch on a winter walk in Minnesota. My husband and…

  • Aphorisms

    Those who can’t see the future are condemned to repeat the past. No one is more serious than a child at play. It is very hard to believe in strange miracles and very easy to believe in ordinary ones. God likes everything. That’s why everything exists. Painful freedom is better than comfortable slavery. God’s plans…