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Thoughts on religion, politics, life and death. And other banned topics.

Tag: Jesus

  • Putting Things Right

    The central assumption of Christianity is that something is wrong with the world, and it needs to be put right. For Christians, the “something wrong” is human sin, a violation of the right order God created at the beginning. Putting things right we call “reconciliation,” and according to Paul it is a ministry belonging to…

  • A Glimpse Into How I Read the Bible

    I wrote the article below in 1983 when I was in college. We had visiting speakers talking about creation and evolution. It was my view at the time that both speakers mishandled the scripture, using it improperly to “prove” their points. The article was printed in the college newspaper, and I still stand by it.…

  • The Curse of Wealth

    Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” Mark 10:23 Mark 10 tells two seemingly unrelated back-to-back stories. In the first, Jesus’ disciples try to keep children from bothering the Teacher. Jesus rebukes them and welcomes and blesses the children. In the…

  • Forward Motion, or the Snail in the Well

    There is an old riddle about a snail crawling up the side of a well. It starts 20 feet down and crawls 5 feet up by day but slides back down 4 feet by night. How long does it take the snail to climb out of the well? The riddle reveals the danger of abstract…

  • Little Faith

    We were all tired. He told us to cross the lake. He would catch up with us later. The wind was against us, so we took it in turns rowing. It was getting on toward dawn when one of the guys saw what looked like a man crossing the lake—without a boat. We were all…
